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Thursday, April 11, 2019

History of sport

April 11, 2019 0
History of sport

v Introduction
The history of sports could extend as way back because the beginnings of training, with competition used as a mean to see whether or not people were work and helpful for service.[citation needed] Team sports may[original research?] have developed to coach and to prove the aptitude to fight within the military.[1][2] and conjointly to figure along as a team (military unit). The physical activity that developed into sports had early links with ritual, warfare and amusement.[3]
v Sports in prehistory
Cave paintings are found within the Lascaux caves in France that are advised to depict sprinting and wrestling within the time period around fifteen,300 years past.[4][5][not in citation given] Cave paintings within the Bayankhongor Province of Mongolia chemical analysis back to period of time of 7000 BCE show a match enclosed by crowds.[6][not in citation given] Neolithic Rock art found at the cave of swimmers in gully Sura, close to Gilf Kebir in African nation has shown proof of swimming and sport being practiced around 6000 BCE.[7] Prehistoric cave paintings have also been found in Japan depiction a sport almost like rassling wrestling.[8]
v Ancient Sumer
Various representations of wrestlers are found on stone slabs recovered from the Sumerian civilization.[10] One showing 3 pairs of wrestlers was usually dated to around 3000 BCE.[11] A cast Bronze statuette,[12] (perhaps the bottom of a vase) has been found at Khafaji in Republic of Iraq that shows 2 figures in a very clench that dates to around 2600 BCE. The sculpture is one in all the earliest depictions of sport and is housed within the National depository of Iraq.[13][14] The origins of boxing have conjointly been copied to ancient Sumer.[11] The Epic of Gilgamesh gives one of the first historical records of sport with Gilgamesh engaging in a form of belt wrestling with Enkidu. The cuneiform tablets recording the story date to around 2000 BCE; but, the historical king is meant to own lived around 2800 to 2600 BCE.[15] The Sumerian king Shulgi also boasts of his artistry in sport in boast of Shulgi A, B and C.[15] Fishing hooks not in contrast to those created these days are found throughout excavations at metropolis, showing evidence of angling in Sumer at around 2600 BCE.[16]
v Ancient Egypt
Monuments to the Pharaohs found at Beni Hasan chemical analysis to around 2000 BCE[17] indicate that variety of sports, together with wrestling, weightlifting, long jump, swimming, rowing, archery, fishing[16] and athletics, as well as varied types of ball games, were well-developed and controlled in ancient Egypt. Other Egyptian sports additionally enclosed javelin throwing and high jump.[18] associate earlier portrayal of figures wrestling was found within the grave of Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum in Sakkara chemical analysis to around 2400 BCE.[9][19]
v Ancient Greece
The Minoan art of Bronze Age Crete depict ritual sporting events - thus a fresco dating to 1500 BCE records gymnastics in the form of religious bull-leaping and possibly bullfighting. The origins of Greek sporting festivals could date to ceremony games of the Mycenean amount, between 1600 BCE and c. 1100 BCE.[20] The epic poem includes intensive descriptions of ceremony games command in honour of deceased warriors, like those control for Patroclus by mythical being. Engaging in sport is represented because the occupation of the noble and affluent, UN agency don't have any got to do manual labor themselves. In the Odyssey, king mythical being of Ithaca proves his royal standing to king Alkinoös of the Phaiakes by showing his proficiency in throwing the javelin. It was predictably[why?] in Greece that sports were first instituted formally, with the first Olympic Games recorded in 776 BCE in Olympia, where they were celebrated until 393 CE. These games materialized each four years, or Olympiad, which became a unit of time in historical chronologies. Initially one sprinting event, the Olympics step by step expanded  to incorporate many footraces, run within the nude or in armor, boxing, wrestling, pankration, chariot racing, long jump, javelin throw, and discus throw.[citation needed] throughout the celebration of the games, Associate in Nursing Olympic armistice was enacted[by whom?] so athletes might travel from their countries to the games in safety. The prizes for the victors were wreaths of laurel leaves. Other vital sporting events in ancient Hellenic Republic enclosed the agon, the agon, and therefore the agon. Together with the athletic competition, these were the most prestigious games, and formed the Panhellenic Games. Some games, e.g. the Panathenaia of Athens, enclosed musical, reading and alternative non-athletic contests additionally to regular sports-events. The Heraean Games, control in Olympia as early because the sixth century BCE, were the first recorded sporting competition for women.
v Ancient sports elsewhere
Sports that square measure a minimum of 2 and a [*fr1] thousand years recent embody hurling in Ancient eire, shinty in Scotland, harpastum (similar to rugby) in Rome, cuju (similar to association football) in China, and polo in Persia. The Mesoamerican ballgame originated over 3 thousand years past. The Mayan ballgame of Pitz is believed to be the primary ball sport, because it was 1st vie around 2500 BCE.There are artifacts and structures that suggest that the Chinese engaged in sporting activities as early as 2000 BCE.[21] Gymnastics appears to have been a popular sport in China's ancient past. Ancient Persian sports embody the normal Iranian self-protection of Zourkhaneh. Among different sports that originated in Persia square measure polo and jousting. A polished bone implement found at Eva in Tennessee, us and dated to around 5000 BCE has been construed as a potential sporting device utilized in a "ring and pin" game.[11]

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Importance of Games and Sports in Life

April 11, 2019 0
Importance of Games and Sports in Life

Sports and games are a part of human society for thousands of years. The importance of those things mustn't be underestimated. Much of young children's learning comes from collaborating in sports and games, and this same participation as adults will cause happier, healthier and more productive lives.
v History
Games and sports are around for thousands of years. The Egyptians' senet is that the earliest example of a parlor game and dates back to 3000 B.C. The first traces of competitive sports conjointly return to the Egyptians around 2000 B.C. In AN Egyptian grave at Beni Hasan, archeologists found various wrestling photos depiction several holds and moves that ar still used these days, according to
v Adolescence
The benefits of sports within the development of youngsters is well documented. An Ad Hoc Committee on Sports and Children said the potential benefits from sports to children and adolescents includes the development of healthy physical and social skills, the development of fine motor skills, and each improved health and sport-specific fitness. This is particularly true for adolescents who are physically or emotionally challenged. Playing cards and board games also benefit teens, providing a quiet and yet competitive outlet where they can interact with their peers or older family members in a positive manner.
v Adults
Adults want one hundred fifty minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity hebdomadally, including muscle-strengthening exercise a minimum of doubly every week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One of the ways to accomplish at least part of these goals is to play sports such as tennis, basketball or racquetball. All of those would qualify as aerobic activity whereas they conjointly permit you to contend and celebrate. Participating in indoor games like chess, checkers and board games with family and friends conjointly provides a social interaction that helps relieve the stresses of standard of living.
v Senior Citizens
Senior voters stand to profit the foremost from being concerned in sports and exercise. Increased vessel endurance, higher balance and suppleness, and a discount within the effects of diseases square measure some of the advantages. Some not-so-obvious advantages area unit higher sleep in the dead of night, a lift in assurance and a more robust mood, similarly as preventing state of mind and a decline in psychological feature skills. In addition, a study conducted by scientific discipline faculty member Arthur Kramer of the University of Illinois found that taking part in a strategic computer game improved older adults' memory, reasoning ability and cognitive functions.
v Benefits of Games
A study reported  within the "New England Journal of Medicine" complete that leisure activities, including board games, were associated with a decreased risk of dementia in senior citizens. Games have conjointly long been accustomed educate youngsters, teaching things such as taking turns, following rules and enhancing verbal communication. Playing games along conjointly strengthens family and community ties, providing a nonconfrontational chance to speak and build relationships between youngsters, teens, oldsters and therefore the older

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Sports and Special Populations

April 11, 2019 0
Sports and Special Populations

v Introduction
Playing sports will facilitate kids develop healthy bones, stronger vessel systems and powerful lungs, consistent with Sport and Child athletes conjointly develop motor skills and psychological feature skills. Being physically active as a toddler makes it a lot of seemingly to continue taking part in sports as associate degree adult, promoting long health, according to the United Nations. Among ladies, sports will facilitate stop pathology and hip fractures. Older voters World Health Organization play sports have opportunities to stay their bodies moving, feel freelance and socialize with others during a healthy method.
v Getting Physical
Playing sports will facilitate individuals accomplish fitness goals associated with weight loss, muscle development and fat reduction owing to the physical activity concerned. Children World Health Organization play sports ar less probably to expertise childhood fat. Physical activity is related to endocrine regulation and strengthening the system, in step with True
v In the Body, In the Mind
It's not simply your body that edges from sports. Playing sports contributes to psychological state, serving to to stop depression and increase vanity and body image, according to Sport and Individuals United Nations agency participate in sports may additionally take pleasure in the social facet, developing friendships with teammates and feeling a part of a gaggle. Children can learn positive mental health skills including accountability, leadership and dedication, according to the University of Missouri Children's Hospital. Playing sports could be a key strategy for reducing stress, as a result of your body releases feel-good endorphins whereas physical exercise.
v Different Sports, Different Benefits
Some sports are associated with particular health advantages. For example, bowling will facilitate attain bigger bone density due to the frequent work, according to the Mother Nature Network. Fencing may facilitate keep off psychological feature decline, given the complex thinking associated with this sport. People who play volleyball enjoy enhanced hand-eye coordination and suppleness. Ping-pong conjointly helps players increase hand-eye coordination, while also promoting better brain health because of the fast thinking involved.
v It’s a Lifestyle Thing
Another reason that sports ar vital for health is that taking part in sports will encourage positive way choices. For example, if you belong to a recreational football game league, you may pay your evenings and weekends active together with your team instead of stopping for a cocktail when work or ordering greasy happy hour food.

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April 11, 2019 0

v Introduction
Sporting instrumentality, conjointly referred to as equipment, has varied forms counting on the game, however it's essential to complete the game. The instrumentality ranges from balls, to nets, and to protecting gear like helmets. Sporting instrumentality are often used as protecting gear or as tool wont to facilitate the athletes play the game. Over time, sporting instrumentality has evolved as a result of sports have began to need a lot of protecting gear to forestall injuries.[1] Sporting instrumentality is also found in any sales outlet.
v Game equipment
v Balls
The ball is commonly what a sport needs and revolves around. A sports ball is often spherical, however can even be within the form of a prolate round shape within the case of associate degree American football or a ball.
Sports area unit typically named once the ball used, such as football, American football, baseball and basketball, or the ball is named after the sport.
v Flying discs
Flying discs area unit used for numerous games like race, disc golf and ultimate.
v Goal posts
In several games, goal posts are at each end of the playing field, there are two vertical posts (or uprights) supporting a horizontal crossbar. In some games, such as football or hockey, the object is to pass the ball or puck between the posts below the crossbar, while in others, such as those based on rugby football, the ball must pass over the crossbar instead.
v Nets
Nets area unit used for lawn tennis, volleyball, football, basketball, hockey and badminton. A different style of internet is employed for numerous types of fishing.
v Racquets
Racquets area unit used for racket sports like lawn tennis, squash and badminton.
v Rods and tackle
Fishing rods and paraphernalia area unit primarily used for fishing and sport fishing.
v Sticks, bats and clubs
Sticks area unit used for sports like hockey and field game. Bats square measure used for sports like baseball and cricket. Clubs are used mainly for golf (Golf club)
v Wickets and bases
Wickets and balls area unit utilized in cricket, and bases area unit utilized in baseball.
v Protective equipment
Protective equipment is often worn for sports including motor sport and contact sports, such as ice hockey and American football or sports where there is a danger of injury through collision of players or other objects. Protective equipment includes:
  • Football helmet
  • Jock strap
  • Mouthguards
  • Shin pads
  • Ski suits
  • Elbow pads
  • Shoulder pads
  • Bicycle helmet
  • Sports gloves
  • Training equipment
Examples for training instrumentality embrace swiss balls, weights, chin-up bars, equipment for the gym. Also protecting instrumentality like weight lifting belts and bench shirts for weight coaching and powerlifting.
v History and development of sports
Historically several sports have developed their sporting instrumentality over time. For instance, the employment of a soccer dates back to ancient China, between 225 before Christ and 220 AD.[2] As soccer remains the foremost in style sport within the twenty first century, the material of the ball has utterly modified over the centuries; from being created out of animal skin, to being lined with multiple layers of polyester or cotton.[2]
As the sporting instrumentality trade improves, thus will the athletes performance. This is because of the very fact that the instrumentality is a lot of economical, lighter and stronger it forming a bio-mechanical system, interacting with the jock.[3]

Since the huge adoption of wearable, new sport instrumentality tend to be natural philosophy and connected to deliver knowledge performances.
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April 11, 2019 0

·       Introduction
Polo is a horseback mounted team sport. It is one of the world's oldest known team sports.[3]
The game is vie by 2 opposing groups with the target of marking goals by hit atiny low onerous ball with a long wood mallet, and thru the opposing team's goal. Each team has four mounted riders, and the game usually lasts one to two hours, divided into periods called chukkas (or "chukkers").

·       History
Although the exact origins of the game are unknown it most likely began as a simple game played by mounted Iranian nomads in Central Asia, from where it spread to Persia and on the far side.[6][7] In time polo became a Persian national sport played extensively by the nobility. Women vie also as men.[8] During the period of the Parthian Empire (247 BC to 224 AD), the sport had great patronage under the kings and noblemen. According to the Oxford lexicon lately Antiquity, polo (known as čawgān in Middle Persian, i.e. chovgan), was a Persian ball game and a crucial interest within the court of the Sasanian Empire (224-651).[9] It was also part of royal education for the Sasanian ruling class.[9] Emperor Shapur II learnt to play polo once he was seven years previous in 316 AD.

·        Middle Ages and Early Modern Era
Valuable for coaching cavalry, the game was played from Constantinople to Japan by the Middle Ages. The game also spread south to Arabia and to India and Tibet.
The game continued to be supported by Mongol rulers of Persia in the 11th century, as well as under the Safavid dynasty. In the seventeenth century, Naqsh-i Jahan Square in Isfahan was built as a polo field by King Abbas I. The game was additionally learnt by the close Byzantine Empire at Associate in Nursing early date. A tzykanisterion (stadium for taking part in tzykanion, the Byzantine name for polo) was engineered by emperor Theodosius II (r. 408–450) within the nice Palace of Stambul.[10] Emperor Basil I (r. 867–886) excelled at it; Emperor Alexander (r. 912–913) died from exhaustion whereas enjoying and John I of Trebizond (r. 1235–1238) died from a fatal injury throughout a game.[11]

·       Modern game
·       Britain India
The modern game of polo comes from Manipur, India, wherever the sport was called 'Sagol Kangjei', 'Kanjai-bazee', or 'Pulu'.[17][18] It was the anglicised form of the last, referring to the picket ball that was used, which was adopted by the sport in its slow spread to the west. The first polo club was established within the city of Silchar in state, India, in 1833.
The origins of the game in Manipur are traced to early precursors of Sagol Kangjei.[19] This was one of three forms of hockey in Manipur, the other ones being field hockey (called Khong Kangjei) and wrestling-hockey (called Mukna Kangjei). Local rituals like those connected to the Marjing, the Winged-Pony God of Polo and the creation-ritual episodes of the Lai Haraoba festival enacting the life of his son, Khori-Phaba, the polo-playing god of sports. These might indicate Associate in Nursing origin before the historical records of state.

·       Rules
The rules of polo area unit written for the protection of each players and horses. Games are monitored by umpires. A whistle is blown when an infraction occurs, and penalties are awarded. Strategic plays in polo are based on the "line of the ball", an imaginary line that extends through the ball in the line of travel. This line traces the ball's path and extends past the ball on that flight. The line of the ball defines rules for players to approach the ball safely. The "line of the ball" changes whenever the ball changes direction. The player World Health Organization hits the ball usually has the correct of method, and alternative players cannot cross the road of the ball before of that player. As players approach the ball, they ride on either side of the line of the ball giving each access to the ball. A player will cross the road of the ball once it doesn't produce a dangerous state of affairs. Most infractions and penalties area unit associated with players improperly crossing the road of the ball or the correct of method. When a player has the road of the ball on his right, he has the right of way. A "ride-off" is when a player moves another player off the line of the ball by making shoulder-to-shoulder contact with the other players' horses.
The defensive player features a sort of opportunities for his team to realize possession of the ball. He will push the opponent off the road or steal the ball from the opponent. Another common defensive play is named "hooking." While a player is taking a swing at the ball, his opponent can block the swing by using his mallet to hook the mallet of the player swinging at the ball. A player might hook as long as he's on the facet wherever the swing is being created or directly behind Associate in Nursing opponent. A player may not purposely touch another player, his tack or pony with his mallet. Unsafe draw could be a foul that may lead to a penalty shot being awarded. For example, it is a foul for a player to reach over an opponent's mount in an attempt to hook.
The other basic defensive play is named the bump or ride-off. It's similar to a body check in hockey. In a ride-off, a player rides his pony alongside an opponent's mount in order to move an opponent away from the ball or to take him out of a play. It should be dead properly so it doesn't endanger the horses or the players. The angle of contact must be safe and can not knock the horses off balance, or harm the horses in any way. Two players following the road of the ball and riding each other off have the correct of over one man returning from any direction.

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April 11, 2019 0

Football could be a family of team sports that involve, to varied degrees, kicking a ball to get a goal. Unqualified, the word soccer is known to ask whichever kind of soccer is that the hottest within the regional context during which the word seems. Sports usually known as soccer in bound places embody {association soccer|soccer|football|football game} (known as football game in some countries); gridiron football (specifically football game or Canadian football); Australian rules football; rugger (either {rugby|rugby soccer|rugger|football|football game} league or rugger union); and Gaelic football.[1][2] These totally different variations of soccer area unit referred to as soccer codes.
Early history
Ancient games
A Chinese game known as cuju (蹴鞠) has been recognised by FIFA because the 1st version of the sport with regular rules.[14] It existed throughout the Han and probably the Qin folk, within the second and third centuries before Christ.[15] The Japanese version of cuju is kemari (蹴鞠), and was developed during the Asuka period.[16] This is known to have been played inside the japanese imperial court in city from regarding 600 AD. In kemari many individuals change a circle and kick a ball to every different, attempting to not let the ball drop to the bottom (much like keepie uppie).
An ancient Roman stone of a boy with a Harpastum ball from Tilurium (modern Sinj, Croatia)
The Ancient Greeks and Romans area unit known  to possess compete several ball games, a number of that concerned the employment of the feet. The Roman game harpastum is believed to possess been custom-made from a Greek team game referred to as "ἐπίσκυρος" (Episkyros)[17][18] or "φαινίνδα" (phaininda),[19] that is mentioned by a Greek writer, Antiphanes (388–311 BC) and later stated by the Christian student Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 – c. 215 AD). These games seem to possess resembled rugger.[20][21][22][23][24] The Roman politician Cicero (106–43 BC) describes the case of a person UN agency was killed while having a shave once a ball was kicked into a barber's shop. Roman ball games already knew the full ball, the follis.[25][26] Episkyros is recognised as AN early kind of soccer by FIFA.[27]
There area unit variety of references to ancient, ancient, or prehistoric ball games, compete by native peoples in many alternative components of the globe.
Football Association
The two contentious FA rules were as follows:
·         A player shall be entitled to run with the ball towards his adversaries' goal if he makes a good catch, or catches the ball on the primary bound; however in case of a good catch, if he makes his mark he shall not run.
·         If any player shall run with the ball towards his adversaries' goal, any player on the other aspect shall be at liberty to charge, hold, trip or hack him, or to wrest the ball from him, but no player shall be held and hacked at the same time.[101]
At the fifth meeting it had been projected that these 2 rules be removed. Most of the delegates supported this, but F. M. Campbell, the representative from Blackheath and also the 1st solfa syllable money dealer, objected. He said: "hacking is the true football". However, the motion to ban running with the ball in hand and hacking was carried and Blackheath withdrew from the solfa syllable. After the ultimate meeting on eight Dec, the solfa syllable printed the "Laws of Football", the primary comprehensive set of rules for the sport later referred to as soccer. The term "soccer", in use since the late 19th century, derives from an Oxford University abbreviation of "Association".[102]
The first FA rules still contained elements that are no longer part of association football, but which are still recognisable in other games (such as Australian football and rugby football): for instance, a player might build a good catch and claim a mark, which entitled him to a free kick; and if a player touched the ball behind the opponents' goal line, his aspect was entitled to a place-kicking at goal, from fifteen yards (13.5 metres) in front of the goal line.
Rugby football
In Britain, by 1870, there have been regarding seventy five clubs taking part in variations of the rugger faculty game. There were conjointly "rugby" clubs in eire, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. However, there was no typically accepted set of rules for rugger till 1871, once twenty one clubs from London came along to create the rugby Union (RFU). The first official RFU rules were adopted in June 1871. These rules allowed passing the ball. They conjointly enclosed the strive, where touching the ball over the line allowed an attempt at goal, though drop-goals from marks and general play, and penalty conversions were still the main form of contest.
Use of the word "football"
The word soccer, once utilized in relation to a selected game will mean anyone of these delineated  on top of. Because of this, much friendly controversy has occurred over the term football, primarily because it is used in different ways in different parts of the English-speaking world. Most often, the word "football" is employed to visit the code of soccer that's thought-about dominant inside a selected region. So, effectively, what the word "football" suggests that typically depends on wherever one says it.

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April 11, 2019 0

·        Introduction
Cricket could be a sport that is compete between 2 groups of 11 players every United Nations agency score runs (points) by running between 2 sets of 3 tiny, picket posts known as wickets. Each of the wickets is at one finish of a parallelogram of planar  grass known as the pitch. Around the pitch could be a abundant larger oval of grass known as the cricket ground. There is thirty yard circle between the bottom (stadium).[1]
The game started in England within the sixteenth century. The earliest definite relation to the game is during a court case of 1598.[2] The court in Guildford heard a coroner, John Derrick, that when he was a scholar at the "Free college at Guildford", fifty years earlier, "he and diverse of his fellows did run and play [on the common land] at cricket and other players".[3][4] Later, the game unfold to countries of British Empire within the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
·        Cricket rules
There area unit 2 teams: The team bowling has eleven players on the sphere. The team has been bowled, hitting the ball over the boundary, or by the umpires penalizing the bowling side for bowling an illegal ball.
The captain of the bowling team chooses a bowler from his team; the opposite ten players area unit known as fielders. The bowler is making an attempt to aim the ball at a wicket, that is created from 3 sticks (called stumps) stuck into the world, with 2 little sticks (called bails) balanced on them. One of the fielders, known as the wicket keeper, stands behind the wicket to catch the ball if the bowler misses the wicket. The other fielders chase the ball after the batsman has hit it.
The bowler runs towards his wicket, and bowls towards the batsman at the other wicket. He does not throw the ball. He bowls the ball overarm with a straight arm. If he bends his arm, the other teams are given one run and he has to bowl the ball again. An 'over' is six balls that means he bowls sixfold. Then another player becomes the bowler for future over, and bowls from the other end, and so on. The same bowler cannot bowl 2 overs one when the opposite.
The batsman is trying to defend the wicket from getting hit with the ball. He does this with a bat. When he hits the ball together with his bat, he may run toward the other wicket. To score a run, the two batsmen must both run from their wicket to the other wicket, as many times as they can, before they can be run out. Being run out is explained below. If the ball leaves the field after being hit without bouncing, six runs are scored. If the ball rolls or bounces out, whether or not or not the batter hit it, it counts as four runs.
There area unit alternative ways that a baseball player will get out. The most common ways are:
  • The batsman misses the ball and the ball hits the wicket: called bowled, or being "bowled out".
  • The ball hits the batsman's body when it would have hit the wicket otherwise. Called LBW (leg before wicket). The manner this rule is applied is complicated; this is often simply the final plan.
  • A fielder catches the ball after the batsman hits it, and before it bounces or leaves the field: called caught.
  • While the batsmen are running, a fielder can throw the ball at the wicket. If the batsmen cannot end the run in time, and the ball hits the wicket, the batsman nearer to the wicket that is hit is out: this is called run out.
When a batsman is out, another comes onto the field to take his place. The innings is over once 10 wickets area unit taken (i.e. ten of the eleven batsmen are out). After this, the team that was the 'fielding' team becomes the 'batting' team. They now have to score more runs than the other team managed to score. If they score additional runs before 10 wickets area unit taken, they win. If they do not, the other team wins.
In a one-day game, each side has one innings, and innings are limited to a certain number of overs. In longer formats both sides has 2 innings, Associate in Nursingd there's no specific limit to the quantity of overs in an innings.
Today, it is a popular sport in England, Australia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, South Africa, New Zealand, the West Indies and sevThe field
A cricket field is where cricket is played. It is circular or oval-shaped grassy ground. There are no fixed dimensions for the field. Its diameter usually varies between 450 feet (137 m) to 500 feet (150 m).eral other countries such as Afghanistan, Ireland, Kenya, Scotland, the Netherlands and Zimbabwe.

·        Where cricket is played
Cricket is well-liked in several countries, largely in Commonwealth countries.
The countries wherever cricket is most well liked vie in international matches (games between countries) that last up to five days, that area unit referred to as check matches. Those countries are England, Australia, West Indies, South Africa, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Ireland, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. The the Indies area unit a gaggle of Caribbean countries that play along as a team. Several other countries have more junior status. The match game plan was made-up by groups from European nation and Australia within the nineteenth century.Ireland and Afghanistan are the new teams which can play Test cricket.
Cricket is additionally contend in Republic of Kenya, Canada, Bermuda, Scotland
·        The field
A cricket field is where cricket is played. It is circular or oval-shaped grassy ground. There are no fixed dimensions for the field. Its diameter usually varies between 450 feet (137 m) to 500 feet (150 m)., Holland and Namibia; the national team
·        Averages
In cricket there area unit 2 special types of average, used to measure how good a player is:
A batsman's batting average is the number of runs he has scored in a period (such as a year or his whole career), divided by the number of times he was got out in the same period. A good batsman has a high batting average. The highest T20 average for a slugger United Nations agency has vie a minimum of twenty innings is seventy.66 by Chris Harris.
A bowler's bowling average is the number of runs that have been scored while he was bowling, in a period, divided by the number of batsmen he has got out in the same period. A good bowler has a low bowling average. The lowest T20 bowling average for a bowler who has bowled at least 500 balls is Mushtaq Ahmed with 13.80.s of those countries can play one-day international matches, but do not play test matches.

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